Ep: 25 – Live Review: Chiefs – The Detroit Lions Podcast

In this live episode, /u/amblingbastard provides us amazing coverage in London and brings awesome sounds of the game. We are also joined by and /u/Xylan_Weeschlong and /u/MyTigerisReal to talk about the Detroit Lions loss. This should be the beginning of the end of even more careers in the Lions’ organization, its just not clear who’s going to be out, yet. We have some suggestions…

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About the Author

Chris is the founder of everything you see here. A former radio presenter and Detroit native, he now resides in sunny California – and like so many of us, he found himself marooned on an island devoid of other Lions fans. After spending a few years in the Detroit Lions Reddit community he decided to start the Detroit Lions Podcast. Its become the #1 Detroit Lions podcast, and regularly ranks with the top podcasts in Detroit. With a mixture of pre-recorded shows, live & recorded phone-ins, and live post-game broadcasts - this is his slice of Honolulu Blue heaven.