Ask the Intern: Past, Present and Future of the Receiver Position

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Questions This Week Talk About The Offense, Especially The Receiver Position

Detroit played a tough game against the Jaguars on Sunday last week, in a game that should have been their first blow-out win. Instead, the offensive lacked explosiveness, only getting 14 yards running the ball as the receiver position lacked big plays. The questions this week revolve around the receiver position, as the offense hasn’t found that big game where they go off, and who I would like to see return for one more run.

If you would like to see your questions appear here next week, comment on our Facebook post, tweet me @BKnappBlogs, email me at, or call in to the podcast. Here are this week’s questions.

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Question 1: If You Could Choose Any Former Lion Player in Their Prime (Retired, Deceased, etc.) Who Would You Want Back on the Team For a Playoff Run This Year?

Hands down Calvin Johnson. The best receiver I ever saw while growing up easily. Calvin gave Detroit so many good years and many great memories that we can never forget. He only had two playoff appearances and he was never able to grab at least one win.

Adding him to the already impressive trio of Jones, Tate and Boldin, along with Ebron and Riddick would give defensive coordinators headaches. They would not know who to cover and what schemes to run. Calvin deserves a ring for all he did for this team and what sacrifices he had for the team. He was Barry Sanders 2.0, being one of the best at the position and never capturing a championship.

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Question 2: Will the Lions Offense Ever Be Explosive?

In games you expect Detroit to go off, against Tennessee, Chicago and Jacksonville for example, they fall flat. Then in games where they shouldn’t do much, they excel, against Indianapolis, Minnesota, and Philadelphia. The team is inconsistent in when it wants to perform and when it sizzles out.

They will need to be explosive for the rest of the season if they want to have a playoff run. This team can’t keep winning these close games and expect to win it all in the end. They have everyone besides Pettigrew and Abdullah back from injury, so the main playmakers who are explosive are there, they just aren’t performing at a high level.

The offensive line needs to improve and get the run game going or else the offense just relies on the receivers and Stafford to do all the work. Once Abdullah and Pettigrew come back the offense should be better, but with how inconsistent they are lately, they may never be able to blow anyone out.

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Question 3: Do you Think Golden Tate Will Keep Getting More Attention From Both Stafford and Opposing DB’s as the Season Closes and the Playoffs Are Possible, or Do You Think Jones Will Shift Back to Being the Number One Target?

Stafford has more chemistry with Golden than with Marvin. Golden is in his third season in Detroit, while Marvin is in his first. So naturally Stafford will gravitate to Tate more. Tate had a rough start, but has comeback and became what he once was the first two years in Detroit.

I think Tate will keep getting more attention from Stafford and the opposing defense because of what he can do on offense. He can run deep routes, do a quick slant, screens, or jet sweeps. He is more versatile than Jones and is a great RAC type of receiver.

Jones has regressed after having a fantastic start and I think he may have fell into the number two receiver role, but he still is a fine player on the team. I am glad he is on the team as he gives Detroit some combinations in the receiving game.

Thanks for reading! We will be taking and answering your questions via Facebook, Twitter, Reddit and even the Podcast! Don’t forget to follow me and ask questions on Twitter @BKnappBlogs, find and send me questions on Reddit at /u/sportsguy4life. I also have an email you can send questions to at Call in to the live post-game show and ask me questions and share your thoughts on the Detroit Lions subreddit.

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About the Author

Brandon Knapp
Brandon Knapp is a senior at Central Michigan University, majoring in Journalism, minoring in Sports Management. He was born and raised in the city of Marysville, MI. He also writes for and covers the Michigan Wolverines Football team (his other love). Brandon also enjoys watching the Detroit Red Wings, Pistons and Tigers.